東京工業大学 環境・社会理工学院 - 木内研究室 
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研究室のメンバー (2023年11月現在)
 木内 豪 教授 水文学・水資源工学
 市井 和仁 特定教授 衛星リモートセンシング、炭素循環(本務:千葉大学)
Climate change and agricultural drought
 Li Shuyin 客員研究員 eDNA technology in freshwater ecological monitoring
 Luo Qingyi 客員研究員 Hydrobiological study of macroinvertebrate
 Huang Yilin  D3 Glacier retreat under changing climate 
 Hira Sattar D3  Water resources assessment for the Indus River Basin under the influence of climate change and land use changes
 Liu Kexin D3 Urban hydrology and green infrastructure
 Liang Shuoyuan D3 Simulation and prediction of lake response to a changing environment
 Zhou Chuanqiao
D2 Prediction of eutrophication in global typical freshwater lakes
 Yu Yi  D1 Hydrological response of Lancang River source region to climate change
 Peng Yu
D1 Prediction of carbon dynamics in lakes under climate change and human influence
 Janak Panthi  M2 Hydrological impacts of climate change on agricultural water resources in Nepal
 Davin Tes M2 Identification of key driver of Dai fishery in Tonle Sap Great Lake system
 佐藤 慶互 M2 Water dynamics and sediment transport in a lake
 北島 一樹 M1 Risk assessment of future urban flooding
 井澤 咲乃  M1 Improvement of landslide prediction
 戚 舒然 M1 Machine learning model for streamflow prediction
 Yuan Yang M1 Real-time urban flood forcasting
 Xu Jiarui M1 Erosion and sediment transport in the Mekong River